First G7 Test for 2013-2014 School Year

Study Guide for Test #1:  The Wars of the Roman Republic

The test will be on 25/9/2013.

Know what militarism is.

Know all the information on Page 80 Reading Comprehension: War.

You should know how to label the map of the conquests of Rome using ALL the place names I showed you when taking up the assignment.

Know how to label the Roman Soldier (Legionary) and know at least five things that he carried in his kit.  I will provide you with the words to label the legionary and a picture of the kit that you can label yourself or add things to.

Be familiar with the ideas and concepts asked of you in your Reflection:  War.

Also know the following vocabulary and idioms:

o   Legion, cohort, decimate, and century.  Be sure to know the ancient Rome vs. modern usage.

o    “Rome was not built in a day,” i.e., many things cannot be done instantly and require time and patience.

o   “All roads lead to Rome” was true historically during the Roman Empire, but today it means “There are many ways to reach the same outcome or destination, i.e., there is not just one right way of doing something.”

o   “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”  (Be willing to adapt to the culture where you are visiting or living in.)

Standards We Will Cover: 


4. Describe the early wars of Roman expansion (e.g., the Punic Wars), Roman military tactics, and the philosophy of “defensive aggression” to examine the realities and consequences of war.

9. Research daily life in the Roman Empire (education, religion, entertainment, art, architecture, etc.) to draw parallels to our lives today.


Essential Question We Will Cover:

What are some of the causes and results of war?


The videos we watched to help you understand the Punic Wars:

Punic Wars:  Rome and Carthage:

First Punic War:

Second Punic War:

The Battle of Cannae:

The Battle of Zama:

Animated Punic War:

The Siege of Carthage: